The Premier Designer and Manufacturer of Commercially available Linear Particle Accelerators
The Premier Designer and Manufacturer of Commercially available Linear Particle Accelerators
The Premier Designer and Manufacturer of Commercially available Linear Particle Accelerators
The Premier Designer and Manufacturer of Commercially available Linear Particle Accelerators
We are ISO9001:2015 certified and are rapidly becoming the premier Designer and Manufacturer of Commercially available Linear Particle Accelerators and we believe no other supplier shares the same commitment to this mission.
We truly have the strongest and most experienced team and a process-controlled, manufacturing base that has produced high yields and repeatable results.
We understand for this market to reach its potential, a supplier needs to deliver a dependable, well performing, fully tested, product on-time. These metrics coupled with our deep understanding of LINAC’s and history of strong collaboration, help to set us apart from our competitors.
All of our business systems operate under an advanced cloud-based enterprise software solution enabling us to comply, scale and adapt to a chasing market
In-house or in proximity, ART is the only supplier in the world with ISO 9001:2015 and has virtually every Manufacturing process needed to make and test Guides along with their critical sub assemblies.
©2019 All Rights Reserved Accelerad Technologies Inc. ISO 9001 : 2015